

CLASS OF '93. - All seniors who expect to appear in the Harvard Portfolio must sit for their photographs this week.

As May 30 is Decoration Day, the fifth forensic will not be due until June 1.

F. G. CAFFEY.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - "Northfield Meeting" this evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. All members of the University are invited.

PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal for strings at 4.30 this afternoon. Very important.

A. S. Hyde, Leader.All men who are to act as ushers at the annual spring concert to-night must be in Sanders Theatre at seven o'clock sharp.


'94 NINE. - The following men please be out on Jarvis at 3 to play '96. E. Clarke, Gale, Linfield, Coburn, Paine, Hapgood, H. Cabot, W. Clarke, Frothingham, Harding.

J. B. LOWELL, Captain.SENIOR AND FRESHMAN CLASSES - The photograph of the senior class will be taken May 31st at 1.15. Freshman class at 1.45.


SPRING TOURNAMENT. - Open to all members of the university. Entries for both singles and doubles, (entrance fee $1,00 for each man), can be made in the blue book at Leavitt & Peirce's. Entries will close May 20, at 6 p.m. and the tournament will begin Monday the 22nd.

W. LYMAN, Sec.
