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A NATURAL form of disapproval of the conduct of a visiting team or of some member of that team, is a tendency to hiss. Often when the contest is close and the crowd in a state of excitement, men will give vent to their feelings over some unfair play by roundly hissing the man who made it, However reprehensible his conduct may be, this way of condemning it is about as ungentlemanly as the unfair play itself. It certainly is against the spirit of the University. A visiting team no matter what its principles may be, must be looked upon as a guest of the University and each member of it should be treated as such. They may have no scruples against taking advantage of their relations to us to indulge in forms of play which would not be countenanced in our own teams, but this cannot release us from behaving as common courtesy and long established custom here at Harvard has taught us to behave. The true spirit here has been to look upon our competitors as honorable rivals, not as men to be hissed. Many have remarked on the unusual amount of hissing with which the crowds have expressed their dissatisfaction with one thing or another in the course of several recent games. This is, we feel safe in asserting, the work of outsiders and of men who have not been here long enough to catch the prevailing spirit of courtesy to those with whom we have to deal. It certainly is foreign to the best and largest part of student opinion. It is a practice which a man's individual instincts as well as his respect for the reputation of Harvard ought to make him condemn. The most important games of the season are still to come and they are the very occasions when this sort of a spirit is apt to crop out, if at all, College sentiment should revolt against this abuse in every possible way. If the few will disregard all sense of the fitness of things let the university as a whole look to her past reputation and justify itself in the eyes of the public by making every endeavor to discourage so uncharacteristic a tendency.
