The '96 tennis tournament at Princeton begins to-day.
Cornell has organized an interscholastic athletic league.
Leland Stanford University has not lost a ball game this season.
The freshman crew won the interclass boat races at Columbia.
Twenty-five per cent. of Princeton's Alumni reside in New Jersey.
A national college song book will be issued at Chicago next summer.
Stanford University is to have an Electrical Engineering School.
Bray c. f. and Gallagher p. have resigned from the Lehigh baseball team.
The University of Pennsylvania matriculate catalogue will soon appear.
Lafayette and Lehigh hold their annual spring games at Bethlehem to-day.
47 of the successful applicants for rooms for the year '93-94 are prospective members of '97.
Charles Irving Wright, '94, has been elected manager of next year's football team at Exeter.
There are 34 entries from Princeton in the spring handicap games at the University of Pennsylvania.
Two hundred and fifty graduates of American colleges are in European universities preparing for educational work in this country.
The half-mile swimming record has been broken at San Francisco by Dana Thompson who covered the distance in 14 min. 10 1-2 sec. The previous record was 15 min. 29 1-2 sec.
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Senior Notice.