THE acceptance of the bishopric of Massachusetts by Dr. Lawrence brings to Harvard men a mingled feeling of pleasure and regret. Dr. Lawrence as a graduate of the University, an active worker in her interests and a warm personal friend to hundreds of students, receives our congratulations on the honor which has come to him in this sacred trust. For his own sake and for the satisfaction of seeing one of Harvard's sons about to enter so honorable a position we find pleasure in his acceptance. We feel regret only for fear that the innumerable duties incumbent upon the Bishop of the diocese may force him to cut loose many of his connections with the University. However much he is engrossed in his work, we who have known him shall always feel that he continues to be our faithful friend and counselor. And we hope that it will still be our privilege to come often under his influence. His many warm friends here in college rejoice with others that his previous labors should receive so high a reward. We would offer to Dr. Lawrence this very inadequate, but sincere expression of student feeling, and in behalf of the members of the University extend to him our best wishes for his continued success.
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