
Fact and Rumor.

Yale plays Brown today.

A Press Club is to be formed at Brown.

The class tennis tournament at Yale began yesterday.

The Lehigh-Lafayette Athletic meet took place yesterday.

The Isabella Mc. Cosh Infirmary at Princeton is now completed.


Yale holds four inter-collegiate records. Princeton four, Harvard three, Amherst two and Columbia one.

Lehigh has recently changed her college yell.

Cornell has made an offer of $100 to the best speaker in the graduating class.

A course in Forensic speaking has been to the Law School curriculum at Yale.

The Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital at Dartmouth was dedicated last week.

Murphy, Millard, Donovan, Allen, Sedgewick and Paine, all of the Andover base ball nine, will enter Yale next fall.

The Princeton Club of New York offers a prize of one hundred dollars for the best entrance examinations to that college.

The Faculty of Andover has voted to abolish the valedictory and salutatory addresses.

In the educational exhibit at the World's Fair there will be a library illustrating the growth of education from the text book standpoint.

The Yale class races will be held Lake Whitney over a mile and a quarter of course on Saturday, May 13.
