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WE are glad to announce that the foot ball authorities are going to put football on a firmer basis here next fall. Mr. George A. Stewart '84, has been invited to take charge of the coaching and has been prevailed upon to accept the position. Mr. Stewart was well known in connection with the teams of 1890-91 and rendered them valuable assistance. It was felt last year by the coaches and the team that his coolness and judgment could have helped them at critical times and kept them together in many emergencies. The college is to be congratulated on being able to avail themselves of his services. Harvard has long since recognized the injustice done to Mr. Adams and Mr. Stewart in the fall of '91, and wishes to acknowledge the error which she made at that time. The college has learned a lesson and it is safe to say that the whole blame of defeat will never be laid at the door of those in charge again. Mr. Stewart was very loathe to get into harness again and it was only at the earnest solicitation of Captain Waters, backed by the unanimous request of the coaches and many prominent graduates, that he was finally persuaded to come to Cambridge once more.

The need of a permanent system of coaching has long been felt out here, and it is intended that the coming fall shall see the beginning of such a system. It is to be hoped that Mr. Deland will again lend his assistance at Cambridge in constructing a game. Everyone recognized last fall his great value to the team and we believe he can be still more useful another year. Harvard now has an efficient corps of old football players, who are interested in her welfare and who will do everything in their power to help the eleven and it will be the aim of the management to use all the available talent and get all the aid possible from the graduates. The college at large cannot help but feel pleased at the turn affairs have taken, and we are sure Captain Waters and his coaches will receive the hearty support of every Harvard man.
