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The Ninety six nine fared ill at the hands of the Princeton freshmen on Saturday and yet the result should in no way discourage them, In many ways they played a very creditable game although away from home and without the incentive of a sympathizing crowd. It is not unreasonable, either, to think that the sudden change in the make-up of the team influenced largely the score. However, Princeton won squarely by clean fielding and we have no wish to deprive her of due credit. There is still a chance to make the honors even in the second game to be played in Cambridge; and to do this should be the one predominating thought for the next few weeks. The weak spots in the team have been disclosed; it is now the work of the captain, coachers and players to strengthen them. Ninety-six must win her second game, and the third if there is one, but she may as well realize once and for all that to do it, she must avail herself of every opportunity for improvement from now until May 27.
