
Inter-Class Championship Games.

Aside from the hammer throwing and shot putting, Saturday's contest for the Well's Cup proved an encouraging success.

Ninety-four captured 52 of the 126 points, Ninety-five 32, Ninety-three 28 and Ninety-six 14.

The games commenced with the 120 yd. hurdle, the only event in which a record was broken. The results were, first heat, 1st G. D. Whitehead '96, 2nd, K. Brown '93. Time 17 2-5 sec. Second heat, 1st. O. W. Shead '93, 2nd, V. Munroe '96. Time 17 1-5 sec. In the finals Shead won over Brown by ten yards in 16 1-2 sec., breaking his former Harvard record of 16 3-5 seconds.

Eleven men started in the 100 yds dash. First heat, 1st, E. S. Benedict '96. Dead heat between W. L. Thompson '93 and E. Goldmark '94. Time 10 3-5 seconds. Second heat, 1st, J. P. Whiltren '95, 2nd, W. F. Baker '93. Time 10 1-2 sec. Third heat, resulted in a walk over for S. M. Merrill '94 Fourth heat, 1st, L. Sayer '96, 2nd, E. B. Bloss '94. Time 10 2-5 sec. In the trial for second men, Bloss won over Baker in 10 3-5 sec. The finals were run in a close race; 1st., Whittren, 2nd Bloss, 3rd, Sayer. Time 10 2-5 sec.

The two mile bicycle race, the third event, resulted 1st F. S. Pratt '94, 2nd, P. W. Davis '93, 3rd, C. N. Holmes '96. Time 5 min. 59 3-5 sec. In the last lap Pratt ran off on the grass for about seventy-five yards but nevertheless came in a strong first.


The mile walk resulted; 1st, A. L. Endicott '94, 2nd, C. R. Hardeen '93, 3rd, F. Johnson '95. Time 7 min., 13 3-5 sec. Bardeeu kept a close second until the last half lap.

The 440 yd. run was won by N. W. Bingham Jr., '95 in 51 3-5 sec. E. B. Hill '94 finished ten yards behind and F. H. Bartlett '95 came in third.

The mile run was an exciting race between D. W. Fenton '95 and A. B. Blake '93. Fenton won in 4 min., 39 sec., with Blake 20 feet behind. J. Bordman '94 finished third.

In the 220 yard hurdle the results were, first heat, 1st, G. D. Whitehead '96, 2nd, T. Abbe '95. Time, 27 sec. Second heat, 1st, H. M. Wheelwright '94; 2nd, H. W. Jameson '95. Time, 26 3-5 sec. Third heat, 1st, S. K. Fenollosa '95; 2nd, E. K. Bowser '96. The final was won by Wheelwright in 26 3-5 sec., Whitehead second and Jameson third.

The 220 yard dash resulted as follows: first heat, 1st, S. M. Merrill '94; 2nd, J. P. Whittren '95. Time, 22 3-5 sec. Second heat, 1st, L. Sayer '96, 2nd, M. Ladd '94 Time, 23 1-4 sec. Third heat, 1st, P. K. Whittemore '95; 2nd. M. Greene '96. Fourth heat resulted in a walkover for C. S. Fuller '96. The finals resulted in a pretty race between Merrill, Sayer, and Whittren. Time, 22 1-5 sec. Merrill first Sayer second and Whittren third.

The 880 yards run was won by H. C. Lakin '94 in 2 min. 04 1-5 sec. H. C. Hubbell '93 came in good for second and P. Richardson '96 finished third.

In the high jump T. E. Sherwin '94 cleared 5 feet 8 1-4 inches. W. E. Putman '96 came next with a jump of 5 feet 8 in. and G. C. Cheney came in third with a jump of 5 feet 1 1-4 in.

The running broad jump was won by Bloss with a jump of 22 ft. Shead made 20 ft. 7 in. and T. Richardson '94, 19 ft. 7 in.

In the hammer throwing contest E. Cockerell made the best record by a throw of 82 ft. 3 in. Whittren and James came next with a throw of 75 ft. 8 1-2 in. and 74 ft. 8 in. respectively.

R. Macallister '93 won the shot putting by a put of 33 ft., 7 1-2 in. Whittren and Whittemore put 31 ft. 9 in. and 31 ft. 7 1-2 in., respectively.

The last event, the pole vault, was won by T. E. Sherwin '94, who cleared the bar at 10 ft. 3 in. Wheelwright second at 10 ft. and Putnam third at 9 ft.

Following is a summary of the points won by each class.

Firsts. Seconds. Thirds.

Ninety-four, 8 3 3

Ninety-five, 4 2 6

Ninety-three, 2 6 0

Ninety-six, 0 3 5
