SENIOR CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. - Less than one fourth of the class have responded to the request of the committee and have sat for their photographs. It is absolutely necessary that all the rest should sit before the end of the spring recess.
PIERIAN SODALITY. - No rehearsal Monday.
A. S. HYDE, Leader.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 6.45. at 25 Hastings.
F. S. HOPPIN Jr. Sec.H. P. C. +++ rehearsal. Men must be in costume by 1.20.
HARVARD MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 4.30.
B. WELLS.H. A. A. WINTER MEETINGS. - All men to whom cups are due must send in claims for them at once.
R. B. BEALS,23 Weld.39t3
THE following men will be dressed in Cary Building at 3 sharp today.
Hallowell, Sullivan, Abbott, Cook, Hovey, Dickinson, J. A. Highlands, Wigging, A. A. Highlands, Corbett, E. Clark, Henry, Lowell, Hyler, Worden, Young, Paine, Gale.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM.HISTORY 1. - Hour examination at 8. Nos. 1-168 in Upper Mass. 169-270 in Lower Mass. 271 and higher nos. in U. E. R.
E. B. GREENE.HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - Guitars at 3.30 in 14 Hilton. Regular rehearsal at 7. Come dressed for concert.
R. L. WHITMAN, Leader.
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