
Fact and Rumor.

Princeton will again hold trial athletic games on Saturday.

Chicago University has abolished the examination system.

The College of south Carolinas is soon to be closed for lack of students.

A musical library is being formed at Princeton, for the use of the Glee Club.

Hon. John Fiske '63, delivered his oration on "Columbus" at Princeton last night


Harvard sent fourteen base ball men to the training table, Princeton sixteen, and Yale twenty.

At Princeton, tickets for the Harvard game will be assigned by lot to those making written applications.

The 146th annual catalogue of Princeton College has just been issued. The number of students is 1057.

A $1000 silver cup will be the prize competed for at the international athletic contests in Chicago, August 11 and 12.

Dr. William Everett, who was elected to Congress from the 7th district on Tuesday, is a graduate of Harvard, class of '59.

It is officially announced that Oxford won from Cambridge by only one length and four feet, and not by two lengths and half.

The Secretary of the Harvard Gun Club has written to Yale, Princeton, and the U. of P. to propose a four cornered match with them this spring.

The captains of the Cornell and Univ. of Penn. athletic teams hold the records for the 220 and 440 yards dash in their respective colleges. Their times are also the same.

The undergraduate dinner of the Phi Beta Kappa was held Wednesday night at Young's. F. Townsend, '93, acted as toast master, E. K. Rand, '94, as orator, and J. R. Ovlier, '94, as poet. Toasts were responded to by D. S. Muzzey. F. W. Dallinger. A. J. Bowle, S. Berry, P. B. Goetz, and G. K. Bell from '93 and by R. K. Shaw from '94.
