DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.
1y.FOR SALE. - A cedar sailing canoe. Length 14 ft., beam 30 in., folding centreboard, 60 sq. ft. of sail. Inquire at 42 Matthews.
HOTEL SORRENTO, SORRENTO, ME. - First class in every respect-has a beautiful location, on Frenchman's Bay, seven miles from Bar Harbor.
Illustrated pamphlet and terms of,
C. S. HAWES,53 Weld Hall.30alt.
WILL the person who took by mistake a black derby hat size 7, and left a similar hat size 67-8 from Memorial Monday evening please confer with the Auditor?
LOST. - On Saturday Apr. 8th, a small black pocket-book containing sum of money, check, baseball ticket, Symphony Season Ticket, few Local R. R. tickets etc. Finder may have the money if he will leave the pocket book and other contents at Leavitt and Peirce's.
FOR SALE. - Polo pony, rides and drives. Warranted sound. Inquire at Morse's stable. Prescott Street.
THE gentleman who took a hat. with C. G. H's card inside, from Phil. 5. Tuesday. will please leave it at Leavitt & Peirce's and get his own.
STUDENTS ROOMS FOR'93-'94.- Suites, all modern conveniences, One minute walk from the yard.
Brewer's Block, Brattle Square.54t2
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