'95 NINE. - All candidates must be out at 3 o'clock sharp today.
J. S. WADSWORTH.TENNIS:- This year no one not a holder of a season ticket will be allowed to play in the spring tournament.
W. Lyman Sec.BOYLSTON PRIZE SPEAKERS, Mr. Hayes will be in Holden Chapel on Wednesday, the 26th, from 12 till 1.30 to see men who are to try for the Boylston Prize Speaking.
MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS. A student who has been absent from a mid-year examination, and has satisfied the recorder that his absence was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance, is entitled to a second and last opportunity of passing the examination at some time during the period of the final examinations, provided he make a written request for such examination before May 1.
SECTIONS IV and V of German A will have reading tomorrow, Thursday, instead of composition.
H. K. SCHILLINGCRICKET PRACTICE: Hereafter practice will begin at 12.30 every day. Candidates must come out as early as possible.
E. H. POOB,Capt,
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