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THE conference of presidents-elect of the Young Men's Christian Associations held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday by the Harvard Association is significant in the history of the college Y. M. C. A. Representatives from nearly all of the New England colleges and from many of the preparatory schools were present. It was the first organized attempt to promote the interests of students' Christian Associations in this part of the country. The representatives were for the most part presidents-elect of their various societies. The chief object of bringing them together into one body was to gather as large a number of facts as possible concerning the needs of the individual Associations and discuss the most effective methods of dealing with the difficult problems which present themselves in a work of this kind. In short the conference was practically a training school for the men who are next year to have the direction of the different Associations. It is intended to make this custom now started, permanent and the plan is one which those interested in the work of the Y. M. C. A. among colleges, will be glad to see. It is well that such organizations should be put on the best possible working basis to fulfil the objects for which they are formed. That the Harvard Association has taken a lead in the matter shows a most commendable spirit. The members exerted themselves to no small degree to entertain the representatives and these will doubtless go back to their schools and colleges with much truer impressions of Harvard than they had before.
