

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Some remark is being occasioned by the ostensible and represented existence of a "Harvard University Law School Base Ball Club."

It seems to many that it might as well be understood at the commencement of the season that there is no team representing the Harvard Law School.

If nine men in the undergraduate department of the University should make up a scrub-team and go up to Andover to play that team and call and allow themselves to be called the "Harvard University Base Ball Club" there would be a case exactly parallel to the one in hand.


The team posing as the Harvard Law School B. B. C. is purely a scrub-team, entirely unsupported as a team representing the Law School, and wholly unauthorized to so call itself by the 400 members of the School.

We believe that this reminder will be sufficient.

Yours, etc.X. Y. Z.
