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A writer in the last number of the Advocate in defending the policy of the paper under the new management says that its purpose will be "to combat, not foster the growing spirit of Harvard indifference, than which no worst pest was ever sent from below," This certainly is a very worthy endeavor, but we feel that the writer has made an implication which is decidedly untrue to college life at present . We wonder on what grounds the Advocate can maintain that there is a growing spirit of "Harvard indifference," The term is one which we believed had almost passed out of use, at least was fast becoming a nonentity. Traces of it still remain, it is true. but who can say justly that it is growing? A few years ago it was the curse of our athletic and social life, Yet we question whether the careful observer of our evens our nines and our crews today can find that Harvard indifference" governs them even with moderateness, to say nothing of an increasing influence. Nor can we reconcile the writer's protest against this "pest" with his statement in the next editorial that the spirit shown at the Junior Dinner "made one wonder how started the term 'Harvard indifference.' " We would prefer to judge the Advocate by its Second rather than its first editorial and to believe that at heart it agrees with us in saying that "Harvard Indifference" is in its last stage of existence. Our only point in bringing up the matter at all is to present what we think to beanother and truer side of the question, with the hope of counteracting the impression which many colleges of the country may receive from reading the Advocate editorial.
