
Fact and Rumor.

H. T. Jackson, Yale '93, has given up baseball.

The date of the Mott Haven games is Saturday, May 27.

An attempt is being made to form a Yale Gymnastic Association.

The Amherst track athletic and football teams have taken the field.

The candidates for the Yale freshman nine have been reduced to eighteen men.


On Wednesday the Yale nine was beaten by the New York Athletic Club. Score, 6 to 4.

The private trials for the Princeton Mott Haven team will take place on Saturday.

All men who are working with the track athletic team are requested to sign in the blue book at the Gymnasium.

A Cornell Club will probably be organized at the World's Fair to bring together the men of the college who visit Chicago.

The Spalding Official Baseball Guide gives the championship of last year to Harvard because of Yale's refusal to play a third game.
