Prof. Drummond was present during part of yesterday's game.
There are 58 institutions represented by the 109 students enrolled in the Yale Law School.
The University of Michigan athletic team will compete in the Word's Fair games next summer.
The base ball team of the University of Chicago will play their first game April 29 with the Chicago A. C.
There is talk of holding an oratorical contest in Chicago June 20 at which seventy colleges will be represented.
Newell, Bow; Richardson, No. 2; Johnson, No 3; Davis, No. 4; Cummings, No. 5; Vail, No. 6; Fearing, No. 7; Fenessy, Stroke.
Balliet, who rowed with Yale 'varsity crews, is to join the Triton Boat Club of New York, it is reported, and stroke its eight-oared crew this season.
It is definitely settled that a big amateur regatta is to be held on Lake Geneva, near Chicago, this summer, under the auspices of the Chicago navy. The winning crews will be presented with engraved certificates, banners and costly medals.
Yesterday afternoon a scrub nine, cosisting mostly of Law School men, beat the '94 team by a score of 11 to 4. The batteries were Hatch and Stebbins for the Law School, and Gale and Clark for '94. The scrub nine made ten hits to five for '94, and four errors to six.
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Base Ball.