

HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - The boat-house on Boylston St. is now open. Men may join at Thurston's or at 26 Holyoke House, Tues., Thu., Sat., from 10-11.

W. R. Peabody, Sec.


HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB. - The National Republican League and the American Republican College meet in annual Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, May 10 and 11. Harvard is entitled to five delegates. Any member wishing to go as a delegate will please send his name to me.

JOHN L. DODGE,FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to-night at 6.30.


GEO. D. WHITEHEAD,Leader.'95 - Soldiers Field Collectors. There will be a meeting of the collectors in 10 Holyoke House, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, bring money and books.

R. W. EMMONS.MANDOLIN Club rehearsal tonight at 6.30 There is a concert Thursday. All must attend.

BOTANY 1. All members of the course will need Gray's Manual of Botany, preferably the last edition, in the lecture this morning.

FINE ARTS 3. ITALIAN 4. - Professor Norton is still unable to meet his classes.

ENGLISH C. - Mr. Baker will read with comment, specimen forensics of the third set, today in Lawrence 1 at 1.30.

The third set of forensics will be returned in Lawrence 1 at 2.30.

Students are reminded that forensics must be called for at 2.30 in Lawrence 1, or within forty-eight hours after at 20 Lowell St. After Thursday afternoon no forensics will be returned.

The third forensics should be returned when the fourth forensic is handed in, April 25.

GEO. P. BAKER.'95 NINE. - All candidates must be out at 3 o'clock sharp today.


J. S. WADSWORTH.'95 - There will be a meeting of the Sophomore class on Wednesday, April 19th at 7 o'clock in Lower Mass.

R. W. EMMONS, 2nd.
