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THE scene at the entrance to Appleton Chapel last night was not surprising considering the intense desire to hear Professor Drummond. Yet it seems imperative that for next Sunday evening, efforts should be taken to prevent a repetition. The public refused to heed their instructions and discourteously poured into the places which were reserved for the students and their relatives. It would not seem too radical a measure, then, to let it be known that the service next Sunday will not be open to the public, but only to students and those who clearly accompany them as friends. If such a limitation were decided on, it is obvious a large number would be kept from coming who otherwise would help to swell the mass of people seeking entrance. There is no doubt that it would still leave enough to fill completely the chapel. Unless some such provision is made, we may expect to see even a greater crush than the one last night. If this suggestion is not practicable, by all means let us have one that is. The public have been given their chance; the students now respectfully, ask to be admitted to their own Chapel. It seems but right that they and those whom they acknowledge to be their friends, should alone have entrance.
