
Fact and Rumor.

Eighty Yale graduates have been college presidents.

O'Connor, Dartmouth's pitcher, struck out 73 men last year.

Arrangements have been made to quarter all Tech men at the Fair.

The University of Georgia has one student sixty-three years of age.

George Bridge Leighton '88 was married April 12th to Miss. C. Kaiser of St. Louis.


Students in Fine Arts III are required to take into class Tuesday either "Reber" or "Collignon."

Leland Stanford Jr. University is the only American college allowing free tuition in every department.

Stearns of Amherst had the highest batting record last year in the Amherst-Dartmouth-Williams league.

The secretary of '91, has received notice from J. C. Bishop of the birth of a daughter on Feb. 4. This establishes a prior claim over R. W. Wood and apparently decides that the class cradle goes to Bishop.

A banquet to which ladies will be invited will be given in Brattle Hall next May by the Graduate Club.

Saturday's 'varsity game with Brown and the freshman game with Cambridge High and Latin had to be omitted on account of rain.

Hereafter in French 5 there will be no written exercises. Members of the course should provide themselves with "Contes et Nouvelles."

The books drawings, manuscripts and herbarium of Bayard Taylor were presented to the public library of West Chester Park. Pennsylvania, last week.

Mr. Stoyan K Vatralsky, Sp., will deliver an address on picturesque life and customs of his native land Bulgaria, Wednesday, April 26, in the Shepard Memorial Church.

Yesterday afternoon Dr. Arthur Brooks of New York preached the first sermon in the course before the St. Paul's Society in Christ Church. The church was filled to overflowing and there was a good representation from the University.

At the recent borough election in Princeton the students were urged by the faculty to take an active part in local politics. It was a contest between the students and the politicians, resulting in a victory for the students, the independent candidate for Mayor being elected by a large majority.
