
Weld Boat Club.

Owing to the low tides this spring it has been impossible to launch the Weld Boat House float. To overcome this difficulty the club has gone to the expense of having the float put on rollers and at high tide today it will be pushed off into the river. If this is successful the house will be opened on Saturday.

During the winter all the boats have been overhauled and repaired so they are in the best condition. The officers are now negotiating with the Union Club and the Boston Athletic Club for a four oared race, some time in May. It is hoped to make this an annual affair. As the new Janitor of the Weld is an old oars-man, he can give the men practical instruction in using the boats which will be of great advantage. The Rowing Club deserves the hearty support of the University at large and the officers are doing all in their power to make the House meet the end for which Mr. Weld gave it.
