

CLASS DAY. - Saturday April 15 will be the last day for receiving baccalaureate hymns and designs for the Class Day tickets. Very few designs and no hymns have been received and it is hoped that the class will take an interest in the matter in the next three days.

H. A. A. - The following men will find cups at Leavitt & Peirce's: Spring Meeting. 1890 - Baker '93 (2). Hare and Hounds - Blake '93, (3); Fenton '95, (3); Nichols L. S., (4); Manley '93, (2); Coolidge '95, (2); Schereschewsky '95, Fox '94. Cross Country Run - Manley '93, Nichols L. S., Fenton '95. Third prizes hare and hounds and cups for Winter Meetings will be ready next week.

43t2'95 CREW. - Any ninety five men wishing to try for coxswain of their class crew will please send their names and addresses to Hastings 3 as soon as possible.

ALL candidates for the Track Athletic Team will please report at eight o'clock in front of Matthews Hall, every morning.

W. L. THOMPSON, Capt.'95 TEAM. - All candidates for the '95 team should be on Norton's field this afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp.


J. S. WARDSWORTH.TENNIS. - The two Cary courts will be reserved for club members. In order to secure these courts members shall sign at the Cary Building.

W. LYMAN, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 4.30 sharp.

C. MORGAN.WILL the student who spoke to me at Mr. Amee's some weeks ago about Professor Drummond's writings kindly send me his name?



IMPORTANT meeting of the Signet this (Friday) evening.

REGULAR debate of the New Harvard Union this evening. All members are expected to be present.

'95 CREW COLLECTORS. - There will be a meeting in Beck 36, Friday at 7.30 p. m. It is important that every collector should be present.

W. K. BRICE.ALL candidates for the '93 nine be on Norton's field at 3.30 this afternoon.

