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THE chairman of the Class Day Committee states that only two designs for the class tickets have been submitted to him, while no contributions for the baccalaureate hymn have been made. The response to the solicitation of the committee evidently has not been a ready one, nor very creditable to the class as a whole. It would be unfortunate if Ninety-three should give up the baccalaureate hymn, a custom which has been in vogue for so many years, simply through the thought lessness or indifference of her members. In matters of this kind where the choice of contributions is governed entirely by competition, there ought to be so many aspirants that the successful contributors should receive some distinction for their work. It would be, moreover, a distinct aid to the committee to have many contributions from which to make their selections, and a favor which they would appreciate. Consequently the time for receiving the designs for tickets and the hymns has been extended until Saturday, and as many as can are urgently requested to forward contributions before the end of the week.
