
Meeting of the Yale University Athletic Committee.

The first meeting of the Yale University Athletic Committee was held on Tuesday afternoon.

N. H. Swayne '93, President of the Base Ball Association was elected Chairman of the committee and L. S. Sanford of the Medical School, Secretary. It was decided to choose four committees, to represent each department of athletics, each to consist of officers of that branch and one graduate. These committees will draw up constitutions for each organization, and the four separate drafts will finally be incorporated in one.

The committees were appointed by chairman Swayne as follows:

Football Association: William Maffit, V. C. McCormick and L. S. Sanford of the Medical School.

Athletic Association: R. B. Wade, A. H. Jones and H. T. Fowler of the Divinity School.


Boating: S. B. Ives, D. Rogers and R. S. Baldwin of Law School.

Baseball: N. H. Swayne, L. T. Bliss and a third not named.

The next meeting of the committee will be held May 10 when the adoption of the constitution will be considered.

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