

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 5.

S. V. MANN Jr. Sec.TENNIS. - The two Cary courts will be reserved for club-members. In order to secure these courts members shall sign at the Cary Building.

W. LYMAN, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to-night at 7. Bring music.

GEOLOGY 4. - The class will meet on Wednesday, Apr. 12, at the usual hour.

R. E. DODGE.ALL candidates for the '95 nine be on Norton's at 4 o'clock sharp today.


J. S. WADSWORTH.'95 CREW. - Any ninety-five men wishing to try for coxswain of their class crew will please send their names and addresses to Hastings 3 as soon as possible.

CHAPEL CHOIR. - Beginning tomorrow regular rehearsals will be held on Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Yale's spring foot-ball squad has begun training.

J. S. Wadsworth '95 is official scorer for the nine.

There are 90 endowed scholarships at Princeton.

Last year 573 degrees were conferred at commencement.

There are 433 current magazines received at the M. I. T.

The freshman class at Wellesley supports seven "scrub" crews.

A new game of ball will be introduced at Wellesley next fall. - Ex.

Horse-cars now run direct to Yale field once in every twelve minutes.
