
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale nine made $900 on their spring trip, as against a loss of $200 last year.

Of the 213 students in the graduate department 16 are non-resident members.

Cornell has just received a gift of $60,000 from Hiram Sibley of Rochester N. Y.

Four Amherst graduates are members of the faculty of the University of Chicago.

The Princeton athletic team will go to the training table about the last week in April.


The real estate and endowment fund of the University of Pennsylvania represent $5,000,000.

Last week's Frank Leslie's contains an article on "The Semi-Centennial of Boating at Yale."

The Cornell navy have been presented with a steam launch for the use of the crew and coaches.

The Chicago Yale Association, numbering about 300, recently held its twenty-seventh annual banquet.

The Pennsylvania-Cornell Track Athletic Association will hold its first meeting May 20th at Philadelphia.

During the recess several greatly needed improvements were made on the running tracks at Yale Field.

$76,000 of the $250,000 endowment funds for the Annex have been raised by the Woman's Educational Association.

Dartmouth will soon be in the enjoyment of the $500,000 that Tappan Wentworth left to the college on his death eighteen years ago.

Edward Everett Hale will deliver the dedicatory address when the new building of the St. Louis Public Library is formally opened.

F. D. Chester '91, instructor in Arabic read a paper before the American Oriental Society at Boston University last Saturday.
