CAPS AND GOWNS. - This week is the last chance for seniors to be measured for caps and gowns. Measurements are taken at the Cooperative Society and no payment is demanded till goods are delivered.
COMMITTEE.SENIOR CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. - Less than one-fourth of the class have responded to the request of the committee and have sat for their photographs. It is absolutely necessary that all the rest should sit before the end of the spring recess.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 5.
S. V. MANN Jr. Sec.THE track athletic team will meet this (Saturday) afternoon as usual.
W. L. THOMPSON, Capt.THE following men will report in the Cary Building dressed at 2.30 sharp to-day: Abbott, Corbett, Cook, Dickinson, J. A. Highlands, Hovey, Hallowell, A. A. Highlands, Lowell, Henry, Wiggin, Sullivan, Young, Hyler, Worden, Paine, Upton.
L. A. Frothingham.Capt. H. U. B. B. C.H. A. A. WINTER MEETINGS - All men to whom cups are due must send in claims for them at once.
R. B. BEALS,23 Weld.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION - Professor Lyon's Bible Class on Jeremiah will meet tomorrow morning in Holden Chapel at 9. Regular devotional meeting tomorrow evening at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.
FRESHMAN NINE. - The following men be on Norton's field at 1.45 to play the Law School Nine: Armstrong, Hayes, Winslow, Mann, Macurdy, Hoppin, Paine Morse, Gouterman, Keefe, Morton, McCarthy, Griffin, Kingsbury, O'Malley.
The following men be out for practice at 3.30: Fuller, Dibblee, Wrenn, Whittemore, Paul, Murdock, Austin.
THERE will be hour examinations in German A sections 4 and 5 and also in German 3, on Saturday April first.
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'Varsity Glee Club.