A meeting of the Harvard and Yale Baseball Associations was held in the Massasoit House, Springfield, yesterday. Harvard was represented by L. A. Frothingham '93, captain, and by Lewis D. Hill '93, manager of the nine. Yale was represented by Lawrence T. Bliss, captain, and Noah H. Swayne, president of the Yale B. B. A. An arrangement was made for two games to be played, the first in Cambridge on Thursday, June 22, the day before class-day, and the second at New Haven on Tuesday, June 27, Yale's commencement day. It was decided to leave open until May 1, the question of the tie game.
Harvard urged an arrangement for a third game in case of a tie in the two games decided upon. Yale refused to consider any proposition which provided that the third and deciding game should be played after June 27. On the contrary she insisted on having the third game played on neutral grounds in May or early in June, if played at all. This is the same condition which she tried to force upon Harvard last spring. Harvard then tried to arrange four games and a fifth in New York or Boston in case of a tie, the place being determined by lot.
Failing in this Harvard tried to have Yale agree to a series of two out of three games with the result already stated.
Yale offered only two plans: first, a series of three games, the first to be played on neutral ground and the third in New Haven, which Harvard declined to accept; and the second, two games with no arrangement for a play off in case of a tie. The final agreement practically amounts to the last proposition unless Yale alters her stand.
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