
Amherst's Greatest Need.

A few weeks ago the Amherst Student sent out a number of letters to the trustees and some of the prominent alumni, asking them to contribute short articles on what they considered Amherst's greatest need. Of these articles, some of which are published in the last issue of the Student, the one of E. Winchester Donald D. D. of our Board of Preachers, will be of special interest to all Harvard men. His article is as follows: -

"It would be easy to name the needs of Amherst, hard to say which of them is the greatest. But one of the greatest at least so it seems to me - is the willing and hopeful abolition of compulsory attendance upon religious worship in the College Church and Chapel

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"I should like to add that my experience as University Preacher at Harvard has greatly deepened my long cherished conviction and my frequently expressed opinion that no body of men can be so safely entrusted with complete freedom, in the matter of visible religious worship, as the students of our colleges. And where that freedom comes - as come it surely and I think speedily will - we shall hear from College men, not 'I was sad or mad,' but 'I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord.'


