The Harvard Chess Club sent the following challenge to the Columbia Chess Club yesterday:
CAMBRIDGE, March 27, '93.To the Secretary of the Columbia University Chess Club:
The Harvard University Chess Club challenges the Columbia Chess Club for the intercollegiate challenge chess cup. The games to take place as stipulated in the Deed of Gift.
Sincerely yours,THORNDIKE SPALDING,Sec'y of the H. U. C. C.The clause of the Deed of Gift referred to above reads as follows:
"The cup shall always be subject to permanent challenge and such challenge shall be sent by June 1 of each year. If no challenge be sent by June 1 to the college holding the cup, no tournament need be held in that calendar year, but in case one college has issued a challenge the others can enter the tournament, even though no challenge has been sent by them, provided they give notice of such intention prior to October 1."
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