The names of the donors of the $25,000 necessary for the big additions to Battell Chapel are members of the Battell family who gave the money to build the chapel itself.
The candidates for the Yale freshman crew went to the training table a few days ago. The following are the men taken: W. D. Smith, J. H. Knapp, F. Coonley, R. B. Tradway, A. W. Dater. S., J. M. Brown, H. C. Holcomb, S., W. M. Beard.
The question for debate this evening at the Wendell Phillips Club is: - Resolved, That the United States should undertake the construction of the Nicaragua Canal. It is to be debated on the affirmative by W. C., Stone '94, A. W. New in '93 and F. C. Thwaits '93: on the negative by A. B. Keeler '94, G. H. Alden 1 G. and W. H. Isley '93. The meeting will be held at 7.30 p. m. in University 16.
The Univ. of Penn. baseball team played a practice game last Monday, defeating the Reserves by a score of 6-2.
The Beloit Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs will give a concert at Central Music Hall Chicago, Saturday evening.
A room in the Woman's Building 54 ft. square, has been assigned to Lasell Seminary for that institution's use during the Fair.
The second number of The Association Record, which is published quarterly by the Yale Y. M. C. A., has just been issued.
The senior class at Phillips Andover has elected the following class day officers: Orator U. A. Smyth; poet, W. B. Parker; historian, C. D. Willard; prophet, W. J. Topham.
Last weeks issue of "The Amherst Student" contains a large halftone picture of the Glee and Banjo Clubs, also a history of each organization and the program of the western trip.
Prof. Martin Kellogg who is soon to be inaugurated as president of California University has been granted the honorary degree of LL. D. by the Yale corporation at a special meeting.
The Forum at Phillips Andover has elected the following officers for next term: president, H. G. Wyer; vice-president, W. F. Kerrye; secretary, D. S. Luce; treasurer, W. D. Rainbold.
Oxford's crew outrowed Cambridge on the Thames Wednesday, finishing half a length ahead. The race was rowed from Putney bridge to Northlake. Cambridge won the toss and chose the Surrey side.
Prof. E. A. Ross, assistant professor of Political Economy at Cornell University, has resigned his position to accept a chair in the department of Political Science and Sociology at Leland Stanford, Jr., University.
Preliminary steps have been taken to establish in Chicago a great medical school which shall rival the best European institutions. It is proposed to combine several of the best schools already existing in the city, and make them a department of the University of Chicago.
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