
Wendell Phillips Club.

At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Wendell Phillips Club it was decided to challenge the Harvard Union to a joint debate to take place at a time and place to be decided later. The constitution of the society provides for a meeting every Friday night at 7.30 and it is intended to have every member of the society speak as a principal disputant once in six weeks. Members of the university may become candidates for membership by speaking before the society or by being endorsed by a certain number of its members. A favorable report by the committee on membership two-thirds vote of the members are necessary to elect a new member. The following men are charter members. G. H. Alden, 1 G.; W. H. Allison, '93; A. S. Apsey, '93; W. R. Buckminster, '94; W. H. Cottrell, '93; A. H. Gordon, '93; E. L. House, '93; N. W. Howard, '93; I. W. Howerth '93; W. P. Humphreys 1 G; R. W. Hunter, '93; W. H. Isley, '93; G. A. Kaven '93; A. B. Keeler, '94; C. H. Lincoln, '93; A. J. Mellish, 1 L; J. F. Morton. 1 G: A. W. Newlin, '93; P. G. Parsons 2 L; E. A. Perkins, '94; L. C. Renfro, '95; A. P. Stone, '93; W. C. Stone, '94; F. C. Thwaits, '93; J. D. Upton, '93; J. Wiggin, '93; W. F. Williams, '94; W. B. Wolffe '95; C. B. Wormelle; W. S. Youngman, '95.
