The third Winter Meeting promises to be by all odds the most interesting of all. Mr. Robert Stoll of the New York Athletic Club, champion of America on the flying rings, has been invited to contest and has accepted. There will also be a fencing bout between skilled fencers. As some of the best men in college have not yet handed in their names, the entries will be left open until today at seven o'clock. This applies particularly to the flying rings, club swinging, and fence vault.
Following is the order of events with the names of the men thus far entered.
Fence Vault: W. T. Wonson '96, W. B. Hyler, B. A. A., F. L. Dunlap Gr., O. W. Shead '93.
Spring Board Leaping, W. E. Putnam Jr. '96, P. T. Jackson '93, R. D. Farquhar '93, G. F. Townshend L. S., H. Haugerud Dv., C. R. Bardeen '93, C. B. Earle '94, F. W. Moore '93, I. W. Howerth '93.
Trials in Fencing, J. Caswell '95, H. F. Gillette '96, J. A. Gade '96, R. B. Merriman '96, C. N. Barney M. S., A. Borden '96, S. Borden '94.
Horizontal Bar, W. E. Putnam Jr. '96, F. W. Moore '93. C. R. Bardeen '93.
Rope Climbing, C. N. Holmes '96, E. Klein '95.
Invitation fencing by experts.
Ten Yards Dash, Trials, R. D. Farquhar '93, W. F. Garcelon L. S., G. L. Collins '96, E. B. Hill '94, W. T. Wonson '96. H. C. Lakin '94. E. B. Bloss '94, W. E. Putnam Jr. '96, E. H. Clark '96, J. P. Whittren '95, Thayer Martin '96, W. L. Thompson '93, D. P. Wilder '95, J. Sullivan '94.
Club Swinging. Albert Gehring '95.
Japanese Top Spinning Exhibition, N. Kishimoto Dv.
Finals in the Fencing.
Flying Rings, Mr. Robert Stoll.
Finals in the Ten Yards Dash.
Men will confer a favor on the management by entering today.
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