L. Sayre '96 was one of the judges at Exeter's indoor meeting last Saturday.
Cornell has completed arrangements for a game with Princeton at Ithaca. April 20.
Twenty two colleges are represented on the collegiate staff of the University Magazine.
The Western Reserve University has lately received $125,000 for its Medical School.
At Baker University the trustees are agitating the question of abolishing all athletics.
There will be no lecture tomorrow in English 12. Themes due then may be left at Grays 18.
W. L. Puffer of Technology will read a paper before the next meeting of the Society of Arts.
Of the two great English Universities, Oxford has now 3,212 students enrolled and Cambridge 2,909.
At the Sanskrit conference Monday afternoon Mr. Samuel Gorman spoke on "The Fauna of India."
Frank D. Edgell is the strongest and Walter L. Towle the tallest man in the senior class at Amherst.
A careful canvass of Wesleyan for the purpose of ascertaining the students' expenses has been made.
A great Pun-Hellenic Congress represented by all Greek letter societies will be held in Chicago next July.
Columbia College has 600 graduate students - the largest number of any one college in the United States.
Alonzo Whiteman of Duluth. Minn., has offered a prize for excellence in composition of orations at Amherst.
The trustees of Columbia have subscribed $25,000 to the new botanic garden which is projected for New York City.
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