The blue books in French 1a are to be handed in this week.
There are seven women in the Boston University Law School.
Commencement at the Yale Divinity School will be held May 17.
Racine's Andromaque will be read in French 1a after Le Cid is finished.
Those who desire it may take a course in the Russian language at Cornell.
The Wellesley Glee Club will go to Washington during the Easter recess.
The first annual banquet of the Press Club was held at Dartmouth last week.
All the laboratories at Wellesley were photographed on Thursday, for the World's Fair.
Dr. Davenport gave a lecture at Smith on Friday evening, his subject being "animal Friendship."
There is one woman in the freshman class of the Massachusetts State Agricultural College.
Eighteen dates have already been arranged by the management of the Yale Law School tears.
Mr. Sherman '94, has been appointed as Technology correspondent to the University Magazine.
The course in French 1a will meet on Saturdays hereafter in Lower Mass. instead of in Sever 11.
The late ex-president R. B. Hayes was the first man whom Johns Hopkins honored with an LL.D.
A summary of the lectures of the preceding week in English A will be due on Tuesday of each week.
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