

VERY important meeting of the CRIMSON BOARD this evening at 6.45.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 6.30.

SENIOR CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS. - All members of the Senior Class whose last names begin with the letters I-R, inclusive, will please sit for their pictures this week. If there are any who can not sit during this time, they will make some other arrangement with a member of the committee. Members whose names are not included in the above list are requested not to wait for appointments to be made for them, but to site as soon as convenient.


ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Rev. F. B. Allen, the City Missionary of Boston, will address the Society, in 17 Grays Hall, Wednesdays evening at 7 o'clock. There will be a short business meeting after the service.


All members of the University are cordially invited.



IN a few days, Pach will send to each Senior two copies of the class list which contains the names of all '93 men and the names of the faculty in addition to the groups and views. Seniors are requested to underline on each copy the picture they wish to order, to keep one, and send the other to Pach's Studio.


FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tomorrow night, instead of tonight, at 8.

S. V. MANN Jr. Sec.JUNIOR CREW. - Be at boat-house at 4 p. m. to move boat.

C.T. BOND.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 1.45, 22 Weld. Fine 50 cents for non-attendance,

J. J. HAYES, Jr. Sec.
