
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a cut in History 12 on Thursday.

C. L. Hayden '96, has been elected manager of the freshman baseball nine.

The candidates for the Dartmouth ball team have been measured for suits.

The Wellesley Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Washington this spring.

E. C. Howe, formerly pitcher on the Harvard 'varsity nine, is training at Williams for the college nine.


The Junior Political Club, of Smith College, will debate "Shall the suffrage be restricted" this afternoon.

The alumni of Michigan University are making plans for forming associations in all the principal cities.

Leland Stanford is at present controlled by Mr. and Mrs. Stanford, but on their death it will be managed by twenty-four trustees.

Mr. Ernest Hudson gave an illustrated lecture at Williams College, last Thursday evening, on "The Kaiser and the German Army."

The University of Michigan will make an exhibit of mounted specimens of Michigan's fauna in the State building at the World's Fair.

The annual dinner at Ashfield will be held in August. It is proposed to make it a memorial service to the late George William Curtis.

An entertainment for the benefit of the Law School Ball Association, at Boston University, will be given the first week of April. One of the attractions is a burlesque on Richard III."

Mr. Charles Sumner Hamlin, who graduated from Harvard in 1883, will probably be made Asst. Secretary of the Treasury.

Tuition at Leland Stanford is free, and expenses, including board, heat, electric light, attendance and a furnished room are but $20 a month.

A select committee of the United States Senate, at the late session of the Senate, reported in favor of establishing a national university at Washington.

Two of the students at M. I. T. are building an engine to be exhibited at the World's Fair as a specimen of students' work done at that institution.

A special meeting of the American Antiquarian Society, whose headquarters are in Worcester, has been held to take action on the death of Rev. Dr. Peabody.

The faculty of Amherst has granted the petition presented by the seniors asking that the required number of studies for the spring term be reduced from four to three.
