
Fact and Rumor.

The new Waterman Gymnasium at Ann Arbor is nearly completed.

The Easter recess at Wellesley College lasts from March 23 to April 4.

The 'first women's university in Germany is soon to be established.

There are 3129 Harvard and 1289 Yale graduates in the New England States.

The annual Exeter-Andover Base Ball game will be played at Exeter on June 11.


The Dartmouth Press Club held its first annual banquet in Hanover Friday night.

The Deutscher Verein will hold its annual reception in Brattle Hall, March 20.

Prof. Adams has started a class for drawing from life, at the Institute of Technology.

Jarvis field is being put in condition for the candidates of the 'varsity nine to use in practice.

Mr. H. G. Rowe '94, has been elected assistant business manager of the Weekly, at Williams College.

Prof. Chas. Sprague Smith; formerly of Columbia College, began a course of lectures at Smith College , last Wednesday evening the subject being, "Cervantes."

At the annual meeting of the School masters' Association at New York, which was held at Columbia last Saturday, Prof. G. L. Kittredge read a paper on "College Admission Requirements in English."

The class crews at Wellesley College will give an exhibition in the gymnasium, next Wednesday evening.

The annual banquet of the Williams Andover Club of Williams was held at Taconic Inn, Williamstown, Friday evening.

There are seven Wellesley graduates pursuing advanced courses at the University of Chicago, three at U. of P. and two at Yale.

Dr. Munsterburg, of the department of experimental psychology, who has been confined to his rooms by an attack of diphtheria, is now in Washington. He expects to return to his regular duties here next Thursday.
