
Harvard Teachers' Association.

The second annual meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Association held in Sever 11 on Saturday, was interesting not merely to members, but to students who intend to become teachers. The meeting was given up to papers on questions of importance in teaching, followed by discussions on the same subjects. The first paper was by Principal E. J. Good win of Newtonville, on "Electives in Elementary Education." The merits of the paper were then discussed by Superintendent C. E. Meleney of Somerville, and Principal Charles C. Ramsay of Fall River. "The Study and Teaching of English" was the subject of the paper by Professor J. A. Tufts of Exeter. Dean Briggs and Professor Carpenter, M. I. T Led the discussion. The last discussion was on the paper of Professor De Garmo of Swathmore, on "The Correlation of Studies in Elementary Education." Superintendent Dutton of Brookline and Supervisor Martin of Boston were the principal speakers.

The session was prolonged until nearly two o'clock and the good attendance at that late hour is a witness to the value of the success of the organization. After the meeting there was a dinner at the Colonial Club followed by informal speaking.


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