
New Debating Society.

The twelve men chosen at the recent competitive debate of the Harvard Union to form a nucleus for a new society met last night to elect officers and decide upon matters of administration. The officers elected were as follows: President, F. C. McLaughlin '93; Vice President, Carl Vrooman Sp.; Secretary, H. C. Lakin '94.

The reorganized society will probably be run on a plan something like this. Meetings will be held once in two weeks. As usual there will be four regular disputants chosen invariably from the society. After the debate by these regular disputants opportunity to speak will be given members of the University, their speeches being limited, however, to five minutes. To prevent filibustering which interferes to such an extent with the best workings of a society, the new society will hold special business meetings not oftener than once a month at which all the business will be done.

After the first meeting which will be held on March 24, speakers from the University who, at the first meeting shall show themselves able men, will be selected as members.
