
Fact and Rumor.

Two Cornell students are editing a new book called "Cornell Verse" which will contain the best verses that have appeared in any Cornell publication up to date.

The Christian Association of the University of Michigan will soon publish a book containing the religious lectures given by their leading professors during the past year.

Mr. Henry C. Moses, a prominent citizen of Exeter, N. H., recently presented the Robinson Female Seminary, in Exeter, with a valuable collection of architectural designs and sculpture.

A petition is being circulated among the people of Cambridge, asking the City to give $30,000 for the purchase of Elmwood, on condition that another $30,000, be raised by subscription.

The Bowdoin College library has recently received from Hon. R. C. Winthrop of Boston, valuable autograph letters and documents of the Bowdoin family, relating to the foundation and early history of the college.


The tenth and last ten of the Institute of 1770 of the class of '95, were elected last night. The men were as follows: Knapp, Harrison, Talbot, Hitch, Jackson, Webb, P. W. Whittemore, Reed,

Johnson, and Ryerson.

At the special meeting of the Harvard Union last evening, seven members were present; as this number was not a quorum, the meeting adjourned. The members of the reorganized Union will meet tonight for organization.

The trustees of the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., have appointed to full professorships, the following gentlemen, who now hold associate professorships. Levi G. Kuhns, Romance Languages, W. P. Bradley, Chemistry, W. J. James, Mathematics, William E. Mead, English.

A letter from the secretary of the Yale Union was received a few days ago. The Yale Union asked whether the question for the next debate would commit the affirmative to a sudden destructive policy, and the answer sent was that it would not. The Yale Union also stated that the date for the debate would be between April 16 and 20 if that would be agreeable to Harvard.
