Spain has ten universities, Italy seventeen, Germany twenty-one, Great Britain eleven, Russia eight, and United States has three hundred and sixty.
The annual meeting of the New York State Inter-Collegiate Base-Ball Association has been held in Syracuse. A schedule of 30 games has been arranged, beginning April 25, and ending June 10. The association consists of the following colleges: Syracuse, Hobart, Union, Hamilton, and Rochester.
The senior class at Columbia has elected the following officers: President, E. C. Zalriskie; First vice-president, H. S. Flynn; Second vice-president, A. Urban; Treasurer, V. Steinberger; Secretary, E. C. Holden; Historian, G. S. Stanton; orator, D. Emery; Prophet. J. D. Haney; Grand Marshal, P. S. Schunick.
Prof. Palmer of the University of Chicago has received a communication from the World's Fair authorities, offering to admit chemistry students to the fair, for a month, free of charge. The students are to work a few hours a day in the mining department, where they will come in contact with practical chemists and will obtain practice in applied chemistry.
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