There is nothing in the February Scribner's that deserves special mention to undergraduates. The articles are all of a high grade and are fairly interesting reading, but none are devoted to subjects of special interest to the College.
As is very common, the number contains two articles on travel, one by Henry Van Dyke entitled "From Venice to the Gross-Venediger," the other by Alfred J. Weston, called "From Spanish Light to Moorish Shadow." There are so many magazine articles of travel which are hardly more than mere guide book accounts, that it is a pleasure to come across such an appreciative writer as Dr. Van Dyke. He gives something more than a topographical description of the country passed over; and when he gives this, he puts it in a charmingly readable form. There is a distinct atmosphere of the Dolomite region in the whole article.
In this number is also printed a paper on Charles Sumner written just after his death by the Marquis de Chambrun. Although called "Personal Recollections of Charles Sumner," there is very little "personal" about it. The Marquis was a friend of Charles Sumner and wrote from the standpoint of a man who knew his subject personally, but beyond that, there is little more than a history of a part of Sumner's political career. There are no personal anecdotes, in fact there is little that a careful historian could not have collected.
Octave Thanet adds one more story to to her "Stories of a Western Tour." Following the general tendency into which writers of short stories seem at present to be drifting, Octave Thanet has singled out her hero and is treating him in a series of careful and skilful sketches. Her style grows more and more pleasing.
A rather rambling article on the conditions which surround a Florentine artist, a careful paper with which Frederic Crowninshield concludes his "Impressions of a Decorator in Rome," another instalment of Mrs. Burnett's "The one I knew best of all," two pieces of fiction "To her" and "How the Battle was Lost," and finally a pair of sonnets, make up the rest of this not very brilliant number.
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