HISTORY 13. - Adams - Hughes, U. E. R. Hutchinson - Young, Sever 35.
ECONOMICS 1. - Arnold to Greenberg, inclusive, U. Dane. Greenfield to Kimball, inclusive, L. Dane. King to Robinson, inclusive, U. E. R. Roess to Stetson, inclusive, U. 4. Steger to Wells, inclusive, U. 16. Wentworth to Young, inclusive, U. 17.
JUNIOR CREW. - Row to-day at 4 p. m.
C. T. BOND.'95 CREW. - Row at 11 a. m. to-day.
W. M. BRIGGS,Capt.ENGLISH A. - A. Abbot to E. P. Fay, U. Mass. S. B. Fay to L. W. Jenkins, L. Mass. E. C. Jewell to C. A. Pierce. U Dane. H. W. Porter to A. E. Small, L Dane. Chetwood Smith to A. R. Wendell, Harv. 5. L. J. West to H. J. Young, Harv. 6. All conditioned men, U. 4.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - The regular Sunday evening meeting will be held tomorrow at 6,45. Professor Lyon's Bible Class on Jeremiah will meet at 9 a. m. All members of the University are cordially invited.
THE lectures in Highway Engineering in the Lawrence Scientific School will hereafter be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 11. The class will meet in room 7, L. S. S., on Tuesday, Feb. 14.
N. S. SHALER.FRENCH 1a, 6 and 10. - Marks will be given on postal cards or by letter only.
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