The team finally chosen to represent the M. I. T. at Worcester next Saturday will be composed of W. J. Batchelder, Ben Hurd, Dearborn and Jones.
At Boston University the speakers chosen for commencement from the theological department are: First, J. P. Ashley; second S. M. Taylor; alternates, Sullivan and Dixon.
The Casino Athletic Association has leased the Cyclorama Building in Boston which will have a seating capacity of about 2,000. They will fit up the building for bowling and boxing.
The seventeenth anniversary of the founding of the Johns Hopkins University will take place on Feb. 22d. President Angell, of the University of Michigan, will deliver the principal address.
Yale has graduated 15,340 students since its foundation in 1701, of which number 7820 are now living.
Professor Hughes of the Cornell Law School has signified his intention of resigning at the end of this year.
The members of last year's winning crew are to be given gold seal rings with the Yale record inscribed on them.
The class of '92 at the University of Michigan numbers 698 men and was the largest class ever graduated by an American institution.
At Leland Stanford Jr., University the athletic board has enacted a by-law requiring the athletic treasurer to furnish bonds to the amount of $5000.
Rev. Lyman Abbot of Brooklyn, N. Y., has accepted the invitation of the class of '93 of Mt. Holyoke College to preach the Baccalaureate sermon on June 20.
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