The baseball outlook at Brown University for the coming season is especially good. All the players of last year's winning team have returned to college and it is expected that the infield will be entirely made up of old men. The most brilliant men now training are Weeks, Jones, Steere and Magill; Tenny will fill the position of catcher.
The candidates are now being coached by two professional players, the work being carried on in the gymnasium. The practice consists in batting, body exercises and base sliding, to which especial attention is paid by the new men. There is at present no practice in fielding as there will be time enough for that out of doors before the spring games begin.
The positions in the out field and pitcher's box are the only places that are actually open for competition. Among the new candidates are White, who will probably be one of the pitchers; McMurray who has pitched at times in the Williams nine; Bustard, recently pitcher and captain of the Colgate College nine, and R. C. Greene who has somewhat of a record for catching.
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Yale, 13; U. of Va., 11.