
Yale Athletic Committees.

Mr. I. B. Laughlin, ex-chairman of the Yale News, recently announced the names of men from the graduate departments who, with the heads of the various athletic organizations of Yale University, are to frame new constitutions for the baseball, football, crew and track athletic associations.

This action, it will be remembered, was brought about by the vote of the university mass meeting on Feb. 10. The committee will have till Jan. 1. 1894, in which to draft the constitutions, when they must present them to the university for acceptance. The names of the constitutional committee, as appointed, are as follows:

N. H. Swayne, president, and L. T. Bliss, captain, baseball association; William Maffit, president, and V. C. McCormick, captain, football association; Derby Rogers, president, and S. B. Ives, captain, University Boat Club; R. B. Wade, president, and A. H. Jones, captain, University Athletic Association; R. S. Baldwin and E. G. Buckland, law school; K. C. Sanford, medical school; H. T. Fowler, theological school.
