
The Harvard Union.

At the special meeting of the Harvard Union last evening, a hot discussion lasting over three hours, was brought up by the amendment made to the constitution one week ago tonight. It will be remembered that the amendment provided that at the competitive debate to be held next Friday evening to select speakers to meet Yale, the judges should select the best twelve men, the first three to debate with Yale, the whole twelve to form the nucleus of the new society. In addition, those members who spoke in the last Yale debate were also to be charter members. At the meeting last evening an attempt was made to declare the amendment unconstitutional by refusing to accept the minutes of the last meeting including the amendment. The president of the Union ruled that even if the minutes were not accepted, the amendment to the constitution would stand. The vote was taken, the part of the minutes including the amendment was rejected.

After discussion. a compromise was offered to form two debating societies, each to have a part in the management of the Yale debate. This however was not well received as the majority seemed to favor the continuance of one society in some form rather than dividing into two branches.

After a long continued discussion during which nothing definite was arrived at, the point of no quorum was raised and the Union separated. This leaves the amendment passed last week in force and the Union will now continue its activity along a new line.
