WE regret that the delivery of the CRIMSON outside of the college yard has been irregular of late. We shall take every precaution to see that the trouble is remedied as far as possible, but we would remind the subscribers who room in private houses that very often the papers are lost through no fault of ours. When there is no letter slip in the door of a house, we cannot hold ourselves responsible for what becomes of the papers When the doorsteps are covered with snow, as they have been early in the morning after the recent storms, the papers cannot be slipped under the doors and are often carried away by the wind. In all cases of loss we are willing to supply extra copies if we have them on file. We are also very glad to receive complaints; often the fault is ours and may be corrected, but we believe that the non-delivery of the CRIMSONS during the last few days have been owing to the heavy storms and other unavoidable reasons.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.