Vincent Carter, a member of the Franklin College football team came out of a game last season with a sprained ankle and has recently filed suit against the athletic association for $10,000 damages.
It is reported at San Francisco that Professor Barnard of Lick Observatory, who recently gained world-wide fame by discovering Jupiter's fifth moon, has received a call from Chicago University and will accept.
Mr. Laurie Bliss, of Yale, has a brief paper entitled "The Handling and Training of a College Base Ball Team" in the March number of Wide Awake.
Mrs. Frederick Billings of New York, has given the St. Johnsbury Vt. Academy $2500 with which to found a scholarship in memory of her son, who was graduated in 1880.
A unanimous call has been extended to Dr. Sims, chancellor of Syracuse University, by a Methodist church at Indianapolis, and there is little doubt but that he will accept.
J. Sterling Morton. whom President-elect Cleveland has named for the position of Secretary of Agriculture, is a University of Michigan graduate from the law department.
It has been definitely decided that a debate will be held between the U. of Michigan and the U. of Wisconsin this spring. Preliminary contests are to be at the U. of M. on the 25th.
Preliminary steps have been taken to establish in Chicago a great medical school which shall rival the best European institutions. It is proposed to combine several of the best schools already existing in the city, and make them a department of the University of Chicago.
The Judiciary Committee of the N. H. House has been asked to report a bill appropriating $7500 annually to Dartmouth; the grant to be made for two years until the Wentworth legacy becomes available, and also to remit the payment of $15,000, which, under the agreement on which Culver Hall was built, the college has to pay the state in case of a separation from the Agricultural College.
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